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Re: Any Implementation of S-HTTP available

> At 08:10 PM 6/4/95 -0700, \\Steven C. Dabbs wrote:
> >
> >I've got a copy of httpd modified for SSL running here, was from
> >like ftp.psy.uq.au , can't offer it to you, because i'm in the u.s and 
> >that would be a no-no. It appears, without a certificate from RSA, it 
> >wont work with netscape, but that can be gotten easily enough, i hear.
> >
> Is the modified version a derivative of CERN or NCSA server?

The CERN server version 3.0 does not support SSL. As CERN no longer takes
active part in WWW development, no new versions of the server will be released
from CERN. However, W3C  has taken over the development and we are about to get
a server team running. I can not put a date on when a new version will be
released and exactly what security features it will contain, but we are following
the discussions closely.


Henrik Frystyk                                          frystyk@W3.org
World-Wide Web Consortium,                              Tel + 1 617 258 8143
MIT/LCS, NE43-356					Fax + 1 617 258 8682
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge MA 02154, USA